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Move into integrated mind-body-subtle awareness to hone in on your deeper truths, needs, & desires.

1 h
111 US dollars
Online or In Person

Service Description

A safely held container to expand your consciousness and shine light on topics on inquiry. This could entail a guided vision, oracle cards, pendulums, crystal ball scrying, or even ancient practices. Each session begins with a breath meditation practice to release blocks to intuition followed by exercises to hone peaceful clarity. My approach in these consultations gives you methods that enable greater intuition in your day to day life. 🧘🏾‍♀️ Guided Visions: You may already know the answers and precisely why, which can emerge more fully with a quiet listening to your subconscious and superconscious elements. I am trained in a number of modalities including an IPHM Certified Training method of safely facilitating this meditative journey. 📜 Oracle Cards / Tarot: Great for generating an archetypal lens of the forces at play in your situation, highlighting important considerations, and how it fits into the wider human experience. I have a number or oracle card decks to choose from, as well as my own mystical poetry tarot book. 💎 Pendulum: Wonderful for precise topics that have a discrete answer: YES/NO/MAYBE, a number 1 - 10,000+, a percentage 0 - 100%, a timeframe, or choosing from a list of options. If you have your own I can train you to utilize it. 🔮 Crystal Ball Scrying: Perhaps one of the most depicted visions of those with psychic gifts entails a mysterious woman with a veil over her head whispering of what she sees from beyond. 🔥 Ancient Practices: Aeromancy, hydromancy, lithomancy, pyromancy, bibliomancy, and many more. We could even look into the methods used in your ancestry or in cultures you are drawn towards, then cultivate preparatory rites to increase clarity when engaging in these practices. Advanced: Once you start to become quite clear we can also deepen into inquiring about and utilizing your own gifts. 🦋 Clairvoyance 🦋 Clairaudience 🦋 Clairsentience 🦋 Claircognizance 🦋 Clairolience 🦋 Telekineses 🦋 Precognition

Contact Details

META Villa Woodside, CA , USA

© Recycle what you will and help our Earth thrive.

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