Angela Marie
Ascension Playbook
Since I embarked on my Yoga Teacher Training at Avalon in Palo Alto, my thirst for the wisdom beyond intellectual learning has led me to travel the world and explore topics on the leading edge of consciousness evolution. Ultimately, rather than reaching a finish line called enlightenment or nirvana, it seems like one can enter such states and yet gracefully return to the realm of ordinary human experience with fresh eyes. I am called to learn from accomplished teachers that work to better themselves along the many lines of development available to us as humans, that demonstrate compassion in service to the interconnected weave of life.
Ten years into my devoted study, the geometry that weaves together the meanings of my many explorations has emerged. My heart feels honored to share with you a written download of my 64-fold path of continuous evolution:
8 sections, each with 8 subsections.
Wisdom Traditions
Elevating Music
Natural Rhythms
Empowered Embodiment
Soul Inspiration
Cultivating Clarity
Creating Intentionally
Further Studies
Wisdom Traditions
Tibetan - Lojong, Divine Feminine, Chod, Dzogchen
Vedanta - Advaita, Mantra
Christian Gnostic - Art
Incan, Brazilian
Native American
Viking, Celtic
Daoism & Qi Gong

Elevating Music
Divine Feminine
Evolutionary Main Stream Movement Shifts
Healing Songs from Ceremonies
Sound Healing Frequencies - Solfeggio, Tuning Forks, Singing Bowls
Traditional Sacred Instruments - Singing Bowl
Vocal Activation
Gregorian Chants, Throat Singing & Black Madonna DRUMMING
Natural Rhythms
Healthy Habits
Personal Retreats
Moon Cycles
Wheel of the Year - Daoist, Native, Celtic
Festivals - Egyptian, Magdalene, Pi Day
Meditation Styles
Group Celebrations
Sleep & Dreams

Empowered Embodiment
Strength / Core
Theater, Rituals
Breath - Stan Grof https://sacredbreathacademy.life
Womb Awakening
Soul Inspiration
Physics, Geometry
Biology - Interconnectedness
History / Anthropology
Sacred Letters - Hieroglyphs, Tibetan, Sanskrit, Runes

Cultivating Clarity
Feeding Your Demons
Parts/IFS - "The Body Keeps the Score. Embodied Pleasure to Transmute
Organize & Clean
EMF Harmonizers, Cleanse/Detox - Spirulina, Purium
Hydration, Ocean/Water/Earth/Fire Rituals "Check your baggage at the door"
Crystals & Medicines - Black Tourmaline, Sage
Tree Reciprocity & Energy Exchange
Forgiveness Practice
Creating Intentionally
Integral Outlook (Ken Wilber's maps)
Free Writing
Vision Boards (meditation)
Vision Altar, Vision AI Art
Alternative Universe 8 Year Plans
Accountability- Self - Sheets, Group Check Ins
I AM Affirmations
Emotional Scales & Heart Magnetizing - Smile!

Further Studies
Priestess Training, Divine Feminine Movement, Qigong
Native Elders, Vision Quest, Amma
Healing - Tinctures, Essences, Therapies
Oracular Capacities & Divination
Pilgrimages - Earth Codes -- Temples
Mystery Schools - Kaia Ra, Damanhur University
Books - Jesse Ayani, Spiritwalker, (Destination Enlightenment)
Media - GaiaTV, Ascension Keepers,