Angela Marie
Metta Physics
Science for Awakening
April to November 2023:
We will explore together the deep beauty of science in immanent experiences with accessible and time tested topics, aligned with the journey of the immersions.
Each session runs 30 minutes to 1 hour with presentation, artistic offering, exercise, questions, and discussion.
Course Topics
April 2023
Quantum Origins of Light
​~Quanta: The smallest known constituents from the Periodic Table, to Subatomic Particles, to Elementary Particles
~Origins of Light and Life: quantum tunneling and fusion in the sun
~Wave-Particle: It depends upon the way you look at things; existence unified with nonexistence
~Timelessness: Akhenaten’s Hymn to the Aten, Tibet’s Vajrasattva, Einstein’s writings on compassion
June 2023
Planets & Stars
~ReDiscovery: Historical Maps of the Cosmos, Earth, & The Human Body. What is Your Creation Myth?
~Stellar: Sun, Plasma, Helio-seismology, Types of Stars, Nuit & Body of Milky Way Galaxy
~Domain of Applicability: Gravity - Newton, Relativity - Einstein, Quantum, Galileo & Archaeological Star Maps
July 2023
Electricity & Magnetism
~Electricity: Charge, Current of Electrons
~Magnetism: Human Biofield, Earth's Magnetic Field
~Practice: Awareness of our field, groundedness, and magnetic fields
~Daoist Qi, Yogic Prana, Tibetan Tsa Lung Channels
August 2023
Biology & Life
~Creation & Destruction: How the building blocks of atoms self assemble into trees and people
~Organizational Structures: From the Nanoscale to the Body, and Network Structures (Neith, Athena)
~Meditation: Fractals of life
~Story: The life of Marie Curie​
September 2023
Black Holes & The Void
~Black Holes, originally called "Dark Stars"
~The Void
~The Mystery: Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Expansion of Space, and Beyond
~Meditation on Nothingness & The Unknown
October 2023
Light & Vibration
~One Light Becomes Many: Rainbows, Sunsets Color
~Lasers, Alignment, Semiconductor Optical Cavities, & Altars
~Poem: The One in All, Margaret Fuller
~Meditation on Oneness. Historical context: Indra’s Net, Native American Creator, Bodhisattva vow
November 2023
Dimensions & Programming
~Notice the infinite within a: Point, Line, Plane, Cube, 4D, 5D, N-Dimensions
~Math Poetry
~Teleportation & Alternate Futures: examples from computer science on how to switch the reference
~Meditative journey to visualize the more wholesome futures